Blepharoplasty Combined with Ptosis Repair

There are two 'main' surgeries that could be performed on the upper eyelid.

  1. Ptosis is the medical term for drooping of the upper eyelid; it could affect one or both eyes.

Photograph showing a patient with ptosis (drooping eyelid) before blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery).

  1. Pseudoptosis is different from ptosis and refers to the situation when excess skin could encroach on the eyelid; it could affect one or both eyelids and is repaired by blepharoplastY

Image depicting a skin condition with visible inflammation and redness. Text embedded within the image reads 'XSS Skin'.

Thus the patient has two eyelid conditions that should be evaluated.

When you raise the skin (photograph on the right), once can see the patient has ptosis.

Repair of Ptosis Removal of Excess Skin
  • Ptosis (Ptosis is may also be called Blepharoptosis. It refers to an eyelid which is droopy. This could cause a loss of vision, especially while reading, headaches, and eyebrow strain.
  • Surgery involves elevating the eyelid itself, either by a skin incision or from the back of the eyelid
  • Pseudoptosis refers to the situation when excess skin causes a hooding, or blinders effect, limiting the peripheral visual field.
  • Surgery is called a Blepharoplasty
  • Surgery involves removing excess skin and fat from the eyelid
A photograph showing ptosis and blepharoplasty surgical procedure, with before and after images displayed. Width: 294 pixels. Height: 123 pixels. Before image of ptosis and blepharoplasty surgery, showing eyelids drooping significantly
Repair the one or both of the eyelid muscles that has weakened resulting in a ptotic eyelid.
  • Ptosis can be corrected via several different techniques.
  • Repair of a droopy eyelid can be performed via an eyelid crease incision or from the inside of the eyelid (no skin incision), or if severe, via alternate suspension techniques
  • Repair of ptosis & blepharoplasty are often performed at the same time.
Your droopy upper eyelids and droopy brows could give you the appearance of being sleepy, tired and aging prematurely
  • In adds to, this sagging, could lead to brow/eyelid strain
  • Eyelid surgery to improve the appearance of the eyelids is often called 'eyelift' or 'blepharoplasty'.
  • This surgery can be performed on both the UPPER and on the LOWER eyelids.
A photograph showing ptosis and blepharoplasty surgical procedure, with before and after images displayed. Width: 294 pixels. Height: 123 pixels. A close-up image of eyelids before and after blepharoplasty surgery, showing improved symmetry and reduction of ptosis.
A person's eyelids before and after ptosis and blepharoplasty surgery, showing improvement in eyelid positioning and appearance. A close-up image showing a patient's eyes before and after ptosis and blepharoplasty surgery. The left eye exhibits drooping eyelids (ptosis), while the right eye appears rejuvenated and lifted after the surgery.
  • In the pre-operative photograph above, take note that there appears to be little, if any excess upper eyelid skin.
  • Rather, the patient's superior visual field is limited by the position of the eyelid since it partially obstructs the pupil.
  • The normal position of the upper eyelid is midway between superior limbus and the upper pupillary margin.
  • When the edge of the upper eyelid falls, it could block the upper field of your vision
  • Removal of upper eyelid excess skin and fat (often cosmetic in nature and not covered by insurance).
  • This is often called Pseudoptosis and is repaired by Blepharoplasty
  • Repair of ptosis & blepharoplasty could be performed at the same time.



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